ParkTalk Podcast
S30 Episode 01: Volunteering in Retirement
Former business owner Marty Ceranek tells how he successfully transitioned to retirement and why he enjoys volunteering at the Naperville Park District.
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Quotes from the episode:
“I've been doing weeding and trimming bushes up by the Riverwalk, which is just such a tremendous asset that Naperville has. And it just needs little touchups here and there, and like I said, I can do it when I'm ready and on my time.” – Marty Ceranek
“I went to Fenwick High School, which is a Catholic prep school. And they were always big into giving back. My mom and my dad used to do a lot of volunteer work. I've been completely happy with my life and my career. I'm in a position where I want to give back and I almost have to give back for all the blessings I've had over the years. So that's one of the advantages (of volunteering). And the more I do volunteering and I'm tired at the end of the day, it's like, yeah, I did something.” – Marty Ceranek
“I came across this on the web one time and it talked about the 4 pillars of retiring abundantly. And the four are: 1) becoming the person you want to be, 2) doing the things you want to do, 3) being with the people you want to be with, and 4) making the difference you want to make. And I would say pillar 5 is having enough money accumulated to do the previous 4!” – Marty Ceranek
How to Volunteer
To learn more about volunteer opportunities at Naperville Park District, click here.
Contact our volunteer manager, Becca at to discuss project ideas for an individual or group. Our park maintenance staff will find a project and time to match your interest with the needs in the parks.