Parking Permits
The Park District offers supplemental parking spaces for Neuqua Valley and Naperville Central High School students. Permit holders will be eligible for first come, first served parking in the designated spaces at the Skate Park lot at Frontier Park, the gravel lot off of West Street or the designated spaces at the Centennial Beach parking lot. Permits are available for 1st semester, 2nd semester and the full year.
If you are participating in your school lottery for a permit, please wait before purchasing an NPD parking permit. Parking permits are nonrefundable. Spaces are not assigned and are available first come, first served. Parking permits may be purchased in person at one the facilities listed below. Applications must be signed by a parent or guardian.
Parking permits can also be purchased over the phone at 848-5000 or at one of the following locations:
Alred Rubin Riverwalk Community Center - 305 W. Jackson
Fort Hill Activity Center - 20 Fort Hill Drive
Knoch Knolls Nature Center - 320 Knoch Knolls Road