
Park Talk Podcast

ParkTalk Podcast S18 Episode 02: Yackley Farm

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Norma Yackley Yeates shares her experiences growing up on a farm in Naperville from the 1930s to early 1950s and Ginny Wolf Chivas adds her perspective as a lifelong friend of Norma's and member of a farm family with a 170-year history in Naperville.
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ParkTalk Podcast S17 Episode 01: Healthy Shoreline, Healthy River

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Project Manager Peggy Motta explains how native plants along the river shoreline prevent erosion and protect water quality, provide habitat for pollinators, discourage Canada geese from nesting along the shoreline, and provide a beautiful place to enjoy. This episode is part of Series 17: Protecting Our River
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