Youth Golfer’s Gift to Springbrook Golf Course
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
Fionn Pianetto began playing golf at Springbrook in kindergarten, accompanying his parents to the course in the afternoons after school. He learned the game at Springbrook, continued playing with his family, and further developed his golf skills as a member of the Springbrook team in the PGA Junior League Golf program for 4 years. Fionn is now a high school student, and when it came time to plan an Eagle Scout project, he immediately thought of Springbrook Golf Course.
"I've been a golfer at Springbrook Golf Course for a long time and would like to give back," he explained. "The people there have given me a lot, and I want to repay the kindness they've shown me."
He noticed that there was a need for benches at the first and tenth tees and worked with the Park District's director of golf, Kevin Carlson, and Springbrook's head golf professional, Mike Lyzun, to determine the size and style of the benches.
Space prepared for the bench at the first tee
On Thursday, June 23, Fionn brought two beautiful, handmade wooden benches to provide comfortable seating at the first and tenth tees at Springbrook Golf Course. He built the benches with the help of 15 other scouts, who worked in two shifts to put the benches together. Fionn explains in this video how the other scouts assisted him in building the benches
The truck arrives at Springbrook Golf Course with the two benches, ready to be installed
The scouts carry the first bench to the first tee
Placing the bench
The bench in place at the first tee (L to R): Mike Lyzun, Fionn Pianetto, Desmond Stribley, Kevin Carlson, and Braeden Black
On the way to the tenth tee
Second bench in place at the tenth tee (First row, L to R): Desmond Stribley, Lucas Kreger and Braeden Black; (second row, L to R): Kevin Carlson and Fionn Pianetto.
Fionn's parents were on hand at the installation of the benches to take pictures and took pride in their son's accomplishments. His mother explained that both golf and scouting have been family activities since the beginning. She was the den mother for his Cub Scout troop when he started in first grade and now his father is assistant scoutmaster for his Boy Scout troop.
"We are grateful to receive these benches for the golf course," said Kevin Carlson. "It's a delight to work with a young person like Fionn who carefully plans a project and follows through to enhance the course for everyone."
Naperville Park District appreciates the many scouts who complete Eagle or Gold projects in our parks and facilities to benefit the community. Learn more here.