Learn More About Migration

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Join the Cornell Lab of Ornithology this fall to learn about migration between Sept. 12 and 22, 2022.
Each year their FREE online Migration Celebration takes place over two weeks.
This year's celebration covers not only bird migration but whales and plankton migration too.

To view all the free webinars click here.

Here are two samples of webinars you, and your family, might like to attend (or view later on their website):

Ask an Ornithologist: Mysteries of Migration
Monday, September 12 @ 12:00 p.m. (Eastern Time)
Have you ever wondered what triggers migration, how birds navigate, or what hazards they face?
Join us for an open Q&A session all about bird migration, with renowned ornithologist Dr. Kevin J. McGowan.
Learn the answers to your questions, right in the midst of migration season!
You'll be able to submit questions in advance when you register, or live during the webinar.

Virutal Storytime with Ruby's Birds (children's book)
Thursday, September 22 @ 10:00 a.m. (Eastern Time)
During this virtual storytime K-12 staff will read "Ruby's Birds" by Mya Thompson and illustrated by Claudia Davila.
You will meet Ruby, a plucky young girl who uncovers the wild side of her city neighborhood with the help of a grown-up friend. When Ruby realizes there are amazing birds right in her neighborhood, her imagination takes flight.
After we've met Ruby, we'll get out of our seats and flap our own wings at different speeds just like different birds do.