Indoor Recreation Space Needs Assessment Results Available Online for Review

Friday, November 15, 2024

The results of the Naperville Park District’s Indoor Recreation Space Needs Assessment (IRSNA) is now available online to the public at This assessment will guide the District’s future efforts in meeting the recreation needs of the community and assist park staff and board in determining the District’s strategic direction regarding indoor space.

Multiple documents detailing the findings of the assessment are now available for public review, including the IRSNA document in its entirety, a snapshot providing an overview of the process, and the presentation given to the Park Board of Commissioners at the November 14, 2024 Park Board meeting. Throughout 2024, the Naperville Park District gathered public input via focus group sessions, open house events, stakeholder interviews and community surveys – a statistically-valid and communitywide versions were included. The goal of the IRSNA was to develop a detailed plan based on community need for and support of additional indoor recreation amenities.

“There were many community members who provided important insights throughout the process,” said Executive Director Brad Wilson. “Whether they were a part of a focus group, attended an open house, or took the survey, we appreciate the time and effort that residents and stakeholders gave to the process. Their efforts will help shape the Naperville Park District for years to come.”          

The IRSNA is scheduled to be presented to the Park Board of Commissioners for approval at a future meeting.