S13 Episode 01: Healing Field Stories

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Go behind the scenes of Naperville's 2019 Healing Field of Honor with Dave Wentz, Marty Walker and Sue Liston, who tell stories of what moves them to orchestrate this community event to honor and support veterans and active duty service men and women.

(L to R) Dave Wentz, Marty Walker, Sue Liston and Sue Omanson

This episode is part of Series 13: Healing Field of Honor.

For a list of ParkTalk episodes and series visit https://www.napervilleparks.org/PODCASTS.

Please help us make the podcast even better by taking our quick (2-5 min.) survey here. It's open through November 15, 2019. We appreciate your help!

Quotes from the episode:

"To give people the opportunity to honor loved ones who have come before them or those who are currently serving and just to watch people's reactions as they walk around this field is just so well worth it." - Dave Wentz, co-chair of the 2019 Naperville Healing Field Committee

"Not only that, but it's part of keeping history alive. In World War 1 we had 300 plus boys go off to war, which was a high percentage of Naperville's population." - Marty Walker, co-chair of the 2019 Naperville Healing Field Committee

"I don't want anyone to forget, or have anyone forget that we are still at war, that we still have many who are deployed, who are serving so that we can continue our way of life." Sue Liston, Administrative Director of Operation Support Our Troops-America.

For more information, read the press release with details about the Healing Field of Honor events.

Order a Flag here.

Riverwalk Cafe Open During Healing Field of Honor November 1-11
Hours of Operation
Nov 1, 4-8 & 11 open 9 am-3 pm
Nov 2, 3, 9 & 10 open 9 am-5 pm

Veterans and Active Military Special Offer
Free small cup of coffee with 50 cent refills and 10% off any purchase (excluding alcohol)

Photos from the family of World War I veteran, Eugene Berger, one of the seven men from Naperville who died during their service in the war.