2023 Draft Master Plan Available Online for Review

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Naperville Park District invites the community to view a draft of its 2023 Master Plan at https://online.flippingbook.com/view/186737075/. Residents may send comments and questions concerning the draft plan to Planner Aileen McEldowney at amceldowney@napervilleparks.org through August 18, 2023. Following the public review period, Park District staff will consider feedback as part of preparing a final version of the plan. Staff then will bring the final 2023 Master Plan to the Park Board for approval at an upcoming meeting.

As with previous versions of the Master Plan, the 2023 update is based on the mission, vision and core values of the Naperville Park District, its organizational plans, community surveys, demographic studies of the Naperville area--including the most recent U.S. Census data estimates--and national standards for park and recreation facilities. Additionally, Naperville residents had the opportunity to attend a public open house on April 27 and to submit comments via email through May 12 concerning the District-Wide Guides proposed for the 2023 Master Plan. This feedback was taken into consideration in drafting the 2023 update.