
Sportsman's Park

735 S. West Street
Naperville, IL


  • Automatic External Defibrillators (AED)
  • Clubhouse
  • Fishing
  • Horseshoe Pits
  • Park
  • Parking Spaces
  • Ponds
  • Trails
  • Trap Shooting Range


Range will be closed on the following dates in 2024:
Sunday, March 31 – Easter Sunday
Sunday, May 12 – Mother’s Day
Sunday, May 19 - High School Graduation
Thursday, November 28 – Thanksgiving

The Sportsman's Park Community Clubhouse is used by several Park District programs and also is available for rental through the Park District administrative office. It offers a perfect setting for various group functions. Building capacity is limited to 50. For rental information, call (630) 848-5000 or visit our Facility Rentals page.

Trail Hours

The Sportsman’s Park trail located inside the fenced area is closed on Thursday evenings and Sunday afternoons during trapshooting.  The trail and park are open from sunrise to one hour past sunset on all other days.

The trapshooting range at Sportsman's Park is open to the public and features a clubhouse and three lighted trap fields. Anyone who enjoys the sport of trapshooting is invited to come out and shoot. Year-round shooting hours are Thursdays, 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. and Sundays, noon to 6:00 p.m., with no sign-up taken after 4:00 p.m. The facility is located on West Street, just north of the Community Garden Plots and across from Knoch Park. 


Fees for shooting are $18.50 for club members, $20.00 for residents, and $21.25 for nonresidents. The fee includes 25 targets and shotgun shells. Additional fees are posted on-site for Doubles and Target Only rounds. Sportsman's Park is a steel-shot-only range. Eye and ear protection is mandatory and shooters must provide their own shotguns and F.O.I.D. card. Click here to view the Sportsman’s Park Trapshooting Range Rules.

Park and Trail Rules

Click here to view the General Use Ordinance.

  • No motor vehicles on trails.
  • No alcohol on park district property.
  • All pets should be on a leash at all times.
  • Pick up all excrement from your pet.
  • Stay on the trails.
  • Do not pick, damage, or remove any plant material.


Trapshooting is one of the three major disciplines of competitive clay pigeon shooting (shooting shotguns at clay targets).  In trapshooting, the clay targets are launched from a single “house” or machine, generally away from the shooter.  Trapshooting has been a sport since the late 18th century and is practiced all over the world, even as an Olympic event since 1900.  American Trap has two independent governing bodies. The Amateur Trapshooting Association (ATA) sanctions events throughout the United States and Canada, as well as the Pacific International Trapshooting Association (PITA) which sanctions events on the West Coast of North America.

Yes.  The trapshooting range at Sportsman’s Park operates under strict rules for gun safety.  The range is supervised by an on-site Range Officer and a Range Safety Officer to ensure that range rules are followed and safe gun handling techniques are used.  The Sportsman’s Park range is fenced to separate the range from other areas of the park that the public may safely use during trapshooting hours.

Since 1948 Sportsman's Park has been used for a variety of shooting sports activities, including programs conducted by the Naperville Sportsman's Club.Since 1988, the Naperville Park District has managed Sportsman’s Park under a 99-year lease from the City of Naperville.Trapshooting at the facility became a Park District program in 1988 offered through the assistance of the Naperville Sportsman’s Club.Participation in the trapshooting program and use of the facility is open to the public and does not require a membership.Trapshooting hours are limited to Thursdays from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. and Sundays from Noon to 6:00 p.m.  The Sportsman's Park Community Clubhouse is used by several Park District programs and is available for rental through the Park District.  The park also includes trails that are available for public use.

Trapshooting hours are limited to Thursdays from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. and Sundays from Noon to 6:00 p.m.

Fees for shooting are $18.50 for club members, $20.00 for residents, and $21.25 for nonresidents. The fee includes 25 targets and shotgun shells. Additional fees are posted on-site for Doubles and Target Only rounds. Sportsman's Park is a steel-shot-only range. Eye and ear protection is mandatory and shooters must provide their own shotguns and F.O.I.D. card.

No, participation in the trapshooting program and use of the facility is open to the public and does not require a membership.

No, minors accompanied by adults are welcome.

Yes, shooters must provide their own shotgun and possess a Firearm Owners Identification (FOID) card.  For information on exceptions to the FOID card requirement please see the Firearm Owners Identification Card Act – Public Safety (430 ILCS 65/) at the following link:  http://www.ilga.gov/legislation/ilcs/ilcs3.asp?ActID=1657&ChapterID=39

Yes, only 12 gauge shotguns and smaller may be used at Sportsman’s Park.  All ammunition must be target-load equivalent shells with a maximum shot size of #6, and maximum load of 1-1/8oz. of shot.  Sportsman’s Park is a steel shotshell range only!  Use of, or possession of, lead shotshells on the range is unlawful per Naperville Park District Conduct Ordinance #641.    

No, Sportsman’s Park is a trapshooting range only. Only 12 gauge shotguns and smaller with steel target-load equivalent shells are permitted.

Yes, 12 gauge and 20 gauge steel shotgun shells are sold at the facility.  A Firearm Owners Identification (FOID) card is required to purchase ammunition and shoot at the range.  Ammunition that is not purchased at the facility will be inspected by the Range Officer.  All ammunition must be target-load equivalent shells with a maximum shot size of #6, and maximum load of 1-1/8oz. of shot.  Sportsman’s Park is a steel shotshell range only!  Use of, or possession of, lead shotshells on the range is unlawful per Naperville Park District Conduct Ordinance #641.  For information on exceptions to the FOID card requirement please see the Firearm Owners Identification Card Act – Public Safety (430 ILCS 65/) at the following link:  http://www.ilga.gov/legislation/ilcs/ilcs3.asp?ActID=1657&ChapterID=39

Eye and ear protection is mandatory for all shooters. 

Yes, the Naperville Park District, in partnership with the Naperville Sportsman’s Club, offers several Trapshooting Fundamentals classes each year.  Program participants learn trapshooting range etiquette and proper gun handling techniques from Naperville Sportsman’s Club instructors.  Participants also have the opportunity to shoot a round of trap under the supervision of an instructor.  Program registration information can be found in the Naperville Park District Program Guide or online at www.napervilleparks.org.

No, the Naperville Park District is not a member or affiliated with the National Rifle Association (NRA) or Amateur Trapshooting Association (ATA).  ATA events are held periodically at Sportsman’s Park through the Naperville Sportsman’s Club.  For more information on ATA events please contact the Naperville Sportsman’s Club at info@napervillesportsmansclub.org.

Groups interested in visiting Sportsman’s Park may contact the Naperville Sportsman’s Club at info@napervillesportsmansclub.org. Please provide all of the details regarding your request, including the date, time and size of your group.  A member of the Naperville Park District or Naperville Sportsman’s Club will contact you to determine if we are able to accommodate your group outing.



Sportsman's Park includes a gravel loop trail around the natural area inside the fence and a mulch trail through the woods, connecting from the sidewalk to the driveway. View or download a trail map here. 
Find more information about Park District trails here.


All state fishing regulations apply; individuals between ages 16-65 need a valid fishing license, (15 and under do not need a license) which can be purchased through Illinois Department of Natural Resources or at local retail outlets. Naperville Park District’s rules for fishing can be found in Section 2.19 of Ordinance 641. Fishing is also available on the banks of the DuPage River. Want to learn more about fishing at Naperville Park District parks? Read our "Let's Go Fishing" blog.

Upcoming Improvements/Construction

Site Remediation Project
Lead shot has not been used at Sportsman’s Park since the 1990s. The facility was closed from the late 1990s until 2001, and since reopening, the trapshooting program has operated under strict rules prohibiting the use of lead shot. Participants in the Park District’s trapshooting program are required to use steel shot and biodegradable targets. Shells are inspected by the Park District each day of shooting to ensure that only steel shot is used.

In 2011, in cooperation with the City of Naperville, the Naperville Park District enrolled Sportsman’s Park in a site remediation plan through the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA). The goal of the remediation was to obtain a No Further Remediation (NFR) letter from the IEPA for the site, allowing seven acres of the park to be open for public use. This area had been closed due to regulations associated with a previous National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit in effect since 1998. Phases I and II of the site remediation plan were completed in 2013 and 2014 and the District subsequently received a “No Further Remediation” (NFR) determination from IEPA that confirmed the removal of lead from the property. An event to reopen the entire facility to the community, following site-wide renovations, was held in October 2015.

In addition to completing the site remediation, the park was renovated resulting in new recreational trails and restored natural areas, which are now open to everyone to enjoy. Sportsman’s Park improvements also included ADA accessible walkways and shooting stations, energy efficient, low-spill sports lighting, ADA upgrades to the Sportsman’s Clubhouse, a new pervious pavement parking lot to filter stormwater on site and an asphalt driveway. This project was supported by a multi-year grant from the City of Naperville’s Special Events and Cultural Amenities (SECA) program.