Riverwalk / Riverwalk Park

500 Jackson Avenue
Naperville, IL


  • Automatic External Defibrillators (AED)
  • Baseball - 60 ft
  • Fishing
  • Horseshoe Pits
  • Ice Rinks
  • Paddleboats
  • Park
  • Parking Spaces
  • Picnic Shelters
  • Playgrounds
  • Ponds
  • Restrooms
  • Sand Volleyball
  • Skate Facility
  • Sled Hills
  • Swimming
  • Trails

The Naperville Riverwalk is made possible through a cooperative partnership between the City of Naperville, Naperville Park District, Riverwalk Commission, Riverwalk Foundation, Millennium Carillon Foundation and residents. Together, these stakeholders maintain and preserve this community landmark while guiding the future development and use of the Riverwalk.

View RiverWalk Brochure

Don’t Feed the Wildlife 

Did you know that feeding ducks and other wildlife can harm their health and habitat? Enjoy observing ducks, geese and other animals in their outdoor environment, but please don’t feed them! Learn more: napervilleparks.org/WildlifeReminders

Pets on the Riverwalk

While dogs are welcome on the Riverwalk, owners are responsible for keeping them leashed and picking up after them. Learn more



Tour Sindt Woods during the autumn and winter months at Riverwalk Park while participating in our latest Mobile Tour!
Located at the west end of the Riverwalk, in Sindt Woods. Plenty of parking is available on Sindt Ct.

Designed for ages 11+.
Approximately 1/3 mile tour.
Stops will change seasonally in the summer months and a wildflower-themed version will be offered in the spring.

How it works:
Use your cell phone to walk along the trails within Sindt Woods.
Learn about the local wildlife and plants throughout the year.
Click on provided links to find out more about local wildlife or have plant identification guides at your fingertips.

To access the new A Walk in Sindt Woods Tour click here.
To receive a link via text, call (630) 339-3857.
(You can view the tour online before you go in person; check out the map, within the app, for location.)

Upcoming Improvements/Construction

Riverbank on the south side of Centennial Beach:  invasive plants such as buckthorn, honeysuckle, and white mulberry, as well as declining or unstable trees, were removed.  Several trees and shrubs have been strategically planted, and a variety of deep-rooted sedges, grasses, and forbs will be planted in spring 2024 to help stabilize the steep shoreline.

Paddleboat Quarry shoreline invasive species removal:  invasive plants such as buckthorn, honeysuckle, and white mulberry will be removed to allow native species to fill in.  Native shrubs and perennials will be added in the future to enhance the diversity of species and assist with shoreline stabilization.

Riverbank west of metal bridge (behind River Place condos):  invasive plants such as buckthorn, honeysuckle, white mulberry, and tree of heaven will be removed.  Native plants were planted several years ago but the invasives are growing faster and taking over.  Once the invasives are cut down, the native plants will be evaluated and the Park District will plant additional native plants to fill in as needed.

East extension along the river (from Burger King to Brown's Chicken):  invasive plants are being removed along the riverbank and overgrown shrubs were pruned in the landscape beds.  New plants will be added in 2024.

Entire Riverwalk:  all trees are assessed by Certified Arborists, and any trees found to be a safety concern or in severe decline are scheduled for removal.  New trees are planted each year to replace what was removed.  Healthy trees are pruned as needed.

Streambank Stabilization Project

Project Background. DuPage County has witnessed an increase in the size, frequency, and intensity of storm events in recent years. In Naperville, these storms bring large surges of water rushing down the West Branch of the DuPage River through the downtown area. The water has eroded the banks of the river along the Riverwalk, steepening the slope between the Riverwalk and the DuPage River.

Project Description and Timeline. Naperville Park District is partnering with the DuPage County Stormwater Management Department and its contractors to stabilize the banks of the West Branch of the DuPage River along the Riverwalk. Engineering for the project is being completed by Engineering Resource Associates, Inc. The shoreline will be treated with varying options to secure the shoreline from future erosion. Stabilization methods will include installing stone breaks to deflect water from hitting the shoreline, planting native vegetation, and in some areas, a combination of stone treatment and planting native plants. The project is expected to begin in winter 2024/2025 following approval of required permits with the removal of invasive and declining plant material, followed by construction and planting. 

Project Map

2031 Riverwalk Master Plan

As Naperville celebrates its bicentennial in 2031, the Riverwalk will celebrate its 50th year with exciting new projects. Learn more about the enhancements and projects that are planned.

View the 2031 Riverwalk Master Plan

Prairie Nature Garden

In fall 2023, the Park District assisted in formulating a concept plan for the Prairie Nature Garden project as identified in the 2031 Riverwalk Master Plan.  The Prairie Nature Garden project site is located within the Riverwalk boundary immediately west of Centennial Beach on Park District property along the edges of the existing detention basin. The project involves the installation of native prairie plants in the detention basin, a lookout area with pavers, benches, an interpretive sign, and landscaping. 

This project was completed in 2024. The native vegetation will be maintained by a contractor and will take several years to reach full maturity.

Eagle Street Gateway Project

The Eagle Street Gateway project will occur on the north side of the river immediately west of Eagle Street.  Improvements include the addition of stairs and an ADA accessible ramp between the upper and lower Riverwalk pathways west of Eagle Street, several landscape beds, benches, seat walls, and metal railings.

The Eagle Street Gateway project will be managed by the City of Naperville.  Please feel free to contact the City of Naperville for the most recent project updates and next steps. 

View the Praire Nature Garden concept plan

View the Eagle Street Gateway plan