Kroehler Park

507 E 5th Avenue
Naperville, IL


  • Park
  • Picnic Shelters
  • Playgrounds

Upcoming Improvements/Construction

The Naperville Park District conducted a virtual community outreach initiative to inform residents about improvements proposed for 2025. The letter below outlined a project proposed at Kroehler Park. 

The Park District plans to renovate the playground at Kroehler Park in 2025. The playground equipment, engineered wood fiber surfacing and site furniture will be fully replaced. Landscape updates to the surrounding play area are also proposed. While detailed designs have not been developed at this time, the Park District will provide an opportunity later this year or early next year for interested residents to help select new playground equipment through an online review process.

 Any questions regarding the work proposed for 2025 can be directed to Jessica Burgdorf at

Kroehler Park Letter and Map