Indoor Walk/Jog Track

The indoor walk/jog track may be used by anyone ages 12 and up. Children ages 7-11 may purchase a pass with a paid parent/guardian. Access to the track is available to fitness members, 9 laps on the track equal 1 mile. To purchase a track pass or membership please stop by the main registration desk.

Track Hours
Monday-Friday 5:00am-10:00pm
Saturday 6:00am-7:00pm
Sunday 7:00am-6:00pm
Free Resident Track Hours
Monday-Friday 5:00am-7:00am
Saturday 2:00pm-6:00pm
Sunday 2:00pm-6:00pm
Daily Fees
Resident $2
Nonresident $3
Track memberships Resident Non-resident
3-month Annual 3-month Annual
Individual $25 $75 $38 $114
Senior/Student/Military $20 $60 $30 $90

Senior Member

Must be a minimum of 60 years of age.

Student Member

Must be 7-23 years of age and provide proof of full-time student status.

Military Member

Must be an enlisted individual, in a branch of the armed forces who can provide proof of active status.

Track Rules

  • Track users must scan id/barcode at the track doors.
  • Children under the age of seven are not allowed on the track.
  • Ages 7-11 must be accompanied by a paying parent/guardian. The parent/guardian must be present on the track with the child at all times.

Track Guidelines

  • During designated times a fitness membership, track membership or a daily pass will be required to utilize the track.
    • Ages 7 to 11 must purchase a pass and be accompanied by a paying adult.
    • Ages 12 and older must purchase a pass and can participate on the track without an adult.
  • Follow the designated track direction on the following days
  • The inside lane is designated for walking and participants may walk side-by side (2 max width). Slower participants should yield to faster participants.
  • The outside lane is designated for jogging and passing. Remember when passing other participants please use an appropriate distance (2 to 3 body lengths) before you come back into the lane.
  • Proper athletic footwear and attire are required; shirt and shoes must be worn at all times.
  • We encourage the reduction of waste by asking members to use refillable water bottles in place of disposable water bottles and sports drinks.
  • No organized track use: groups, practices, meets, timed group running, etc.
  • No strollers*, cleats, spikes, skate shoes, or Nordic poles allowed.
  • No weights (dumbbells, plates) are allowed on the track, you may use wrist or ankle weights.
  • Lockers and storage options are provided in public areas for your personal items, please do not store items on the track. Items will not be held at the service desk.
  • Out of respect for all participants, we ask you to please turn off your phone (or keep on vibrate) while utilizing the track. Should you need to take a phone call, please respond to all calls outside of the track. Please also refrain from reading books or other materials that might distract your attention.
  • The track is not a viewing area for the gymnasium or gymnastics. Do not stop or stand on the track.
  • No spitting on the track or in the drinking fountains.
  • Fees and guidelines are subject to change.
  • The distribution of goods or services, including without limitation the giving of instruction or lessons for a fee, is prohibited without prior written approval from the District.
  • The Naperville Park District is not responsible for lost or stolen personal items.

* Strollers on the Track (Trial Program)- beginning Wednesday, April 5 2024 we will allow strollers on the track on a trial basis from 1:00 - 2:00 pm on Wednesdays only.

All valid track pass holders will be allowed during this time period. Please note that this       timeframe is not exclusive to stroller use.                                                                          

Participants ages 7 and older must have a valid track pass; those under 7 must be in the         stroller at all times.

Stroller use is allowed on the inside lane while walking; stroller users also may use               the outside lane to safely pass other participants. Side-by-side walking must remain             within the inside lane.

Strollers are only allowed during the designated trial program timeframe.

All track rules and guidelines must be followed.

The Naperville Park District reserves the right to cancel or change this program at any time.