Indoor Recreation Space Needs Assessment

Beginning in 2023 and throughout 2024, the Naperville Park District worked on conducting a needs assessment for indoor recreation space. The goal of the Indoor Recreation Space Needs Assessment (IRSNA) initiative was to develop a detailed plan based on community need for and support of further indoor recreation amenities. The final assessment will guide the District in meeting the recreation needs of the community while assisting staff and board in determining the District's strategic direction regarding indoor space.

In order to understand the process, feedback received, and current and future needs regarding indoor space, please see the following documents:

  1. IRSNA snapshot, which provides a high-level overview of the process and key findings
  2. IRSNA document provided in its entirety
  3. Presentation given to the Park Board of Commissioners on Nov. 14, 2024 that highlights the project and identifies key outcomes. 


The goals of the project included:

  • Assist the Park District to determine and prioritize where to invest its resources for current and future indoor space
  • Evaluate the agency's current indoor recreation space inventory and utilization as it relates to key District documents and survey data
  • Assist in creating baselines for peak facility use, capacities, hours of operations, etc.
  • Identify gaps and inefficiencies with current indoor facility use and make recommendations
  • Identify gaps between current indoor facility inventory and the space needed to address current needs and future growth
  • Identify types and sizes of indoor spaces needed to address current needs and future growth in addition to estimated construction costs
  • Assist the District in confirming community interest and need for future indoor space
  • Formulate a plan with recommendations for future indoor space based on multiple data sources  

Background on the Naperville Park District

Created in 1966, the Naperville Park District is an independent municipal agency that serves the recreation needs of its residents. With a mission to provide recreation and park experiences that promote healthy lives, healthy minds and a healthy community, the District maintains and operates more than 2,400 acres with 138 parks and facilities. Additionally, the District provides 7,500+ recreational classes, teams, events, and performances annually for a population of nearly 150,000 residents. Included within the District's operations are two championship golf courses, a multitude of playgrounds, trails, athletic courts, and sports fields, two inline skating and skateboarding facilities, the Millennium Carillon, the Paddleboat Quarry, historic Centennial Beach, Knoch Knolls Nature Center, Fort Hill Activity Center, the Alfred Rubin Riverwalk Community Center and the Naperville Riverwalk. The Park District is an accredited agency through the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies (CAPRA) with the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA).  

Why Is a Needs Assessment Necessary?

While the Naperville Park District built and opened the Fort Hill Activity Center in 2016, it filled to near capacity in many respects in less than eight years. Additionally, post-pandemic, the District has seen a tremendous increase in participation in many of its indoor programs, leading to challenges in accommodating everyone who wants to participate. Just two examples of indoor programs that are filled with wait lists each season include Naperville Youth Basketball and gymnastics. Also, memberships to Fort Hill Fitness – an 8,500 square foot fitness facility inside the Fort Hill Activity Center – are at an unprecedented level, with nearly 8,000 members.  

It's important to note that in addition to having some of its own indoor recreation space, the District has leveraged partnerships in the community including both Naperville school districts and other private community organizations to identify additional programmable space, in addition to operating out of leased space, but accommodating the demonstrated need by community members for Park District recreation programs and services remains a challenge.  

A needs assessment provides the District with a comprehensive and objective evaluation of its current spaces and ensures efficient facility utilization throughout the parks system.  In addition, the assessment assists with gathering community input and assessing the level of support for the potential planning and construction of future indoor spaces to adequately serve the recreation needs of a still expanding community.  

Community Input Process

Throughout the process, community input was essential, which occurred via focus group sessions, stakeholder interviews, and community surveys – both a statistically-valid survey and a community wide feedback survey served as opportunities for residents to provide their ideas. Additionally, open house events to view and comment on ideas were hosted for the public. Residents were made aware of these opportunities through various Naperville Park District communication channels either directly (for those who are signed up to receive Park District emails) or more generally (by communications disseminated through various media channels).

Focus Groups - March and April 2024

Developing a solid and comprehensive plan for this project relies on soliciting input from our community members. In early March, the Park District asked residents to indicate their interest in participating in a focus group to provide their thoughts and ideas regarding possible future indoor space. We received a tremendous response to fill sessions scheduled for Wednesday, March 20 and Wednesday, April 3. Input received will assist the staff and board as they move through the process to develop the indoor space needs assessment to guide the future direction of the organization.  

Indoor Recreation Space Needs Assessment Open House Events

As part of the ongoing indoor recreation space needs assessment taking place this year, the Park District conducted a series of open house events to learn more about the types of indoor recreation spaces and programs that residents would like to see the District provide in the future. The open house events occurred on June 2, 2024 at the Frontier Sports Complex Kite Fly and on June 11, 2024 at the Fort Hill Activity Center.  

Additional opportunities to receive resident feedback will took place during the summer via a community survey.

Project Schedule

The following schedule highlights key milestones achieved in the indoor recreation space needs assessment process:  

  • February 2024
    • Data Inventory and Analysis
  • March 2024
    • Identification of Gaps and Inefficiencies
  •  March/April 2024
    • Begin Community Engagement Process via Focus Group
      • Wednesday, March 20 (various times)
      • Wednesday, April 3 (various times)
  • June 2024
    • Community Open House #1 (Sunday, June 2, Frontier Sports Complex) and Community Open House #2 (Tuesday, June 11, Fort Hill Activity Center)
  • June/July 2024
    • Community Surveys (both random/statistically valid and community-wide surveys will be deployed)
  • August/September 2024
    • Formulate Report
  • October/November 2024
    • Report to Park Board of Commissioners and Presentation of Findings
  • December 2024
    • Include IRSNA Report on Park Board of Commissioners meeting agenda for approval (report approved at the December 12, 2024 Park Board Meeting)

Naperville Park District Key Organizational Documents  

The Naperville Park District operates with the guidance of several important plans that are updated on a regular basis. These plans will be reviewed and referenced in conjunction with the formulation of the Indoor Recreation Space Needs Assessment.  See below to access these plans.    

Frequently Asked Questions

Why did the Naperville Park District conduct an indoor space needs assessment in 2024?
Based on community input received from the 2022 Community Interest & Opinion Survey, additional indoor recreation space to provide community programs, activities, and services was identified as a need.  Additionally, post-pandemic, the District had seen a tremendous increase in participation in many of its indoor programs. This needs assessment provides the District with a comprehensive and objective evaluation of its current spaces to ensure efficient facility utilization throughout the organization. In addition, the assessment assists with gathering community input and assessing the level of support for the potential planning and construction of future indoor spaces to adequately serve the recreation needs of a still-expanding community. The goal of this initiative, as part of the 2023-2025 Naperville Park District Strategic Plan is to develop a detailed plan based on community need for and support of further Naperville Park District indoor recreation space.  

What types of recreation spaces were assessed?  
Park District staff and board sought community input through the process to help them determine what kinds of spaces are needed and supported by the community. Fort Hill Activity Center, which opened in 2016, is filled to near capacity in many respects, leading to challenges in accommodating everyone who wants to participate.  A goal of the assessment was to identify the types of indoor spaces needed to address current needs and future growth.

How will recommendations made by residents, community leaders and others throughout this process be considered by the Park District?
The District solicited feedback from the community in a variety of ways. A series of 8 focus groups were conducted in March and April. In spring and summer, the District hosted community open house events, and a community survey was launched in the summer to provide several feedback opportunities.  The recommendations from residents, community leaders and others, along with information from existing programs and facility use, helped to develop the most comprehensive plan and direction regarding potential future indoor recreation space.  

Does the Park District plan to propose a bond referendum for development of indoor recreation space?
At the time of this assessment, there were no plans for the Naperville Park District to propose a bond referendum.  The Park District asked residents in the community survey to provide input on a bond referendum for the purpose of understanding the community's interest to financially support the addition of indoor recreation space, and to be transparent about how data was gathered to inform future planning and decisions.  Results from the survey provided key input to help develop recommendations within the Indoor Recreation Space Needs Assessment.  A summary of the survey results were included in the final report.

How did residents provide input on this initiative?  
Residents provided their input by participating in focus groups, attending open house events, and participating in a community survey. Information on community input opportunities were communicated to residents via email, on the District's website, social media platforms, and through use of other media.  

What was the project timeline and next steps?  
The following project schedule highlights key steps in the indoor space needs assessment process:

  • February 2024: Data Inventory and Analysis
  • March 2024: Identification of Gaps and Inefficiencies
  • March/April 2024: Community Engagement Process began via Focus Group (Wed., March 20 (various times); Wed., April 3 (various times)
  • June 2024: Community Open House #1  (Sunday, June 2, Frontier Sports Complex) and Community Open House #2 (Tuesday, June 11, Fort Hill Activity Center)
  • June/July 2024: Community Surveys (both random/statistically valid and community-wide surveys deployed)
  • August/September 2024: Report Formulated
  • October/November 2024: Report to Park Board of Commissioners and Presentation of Findings
  • December 2024: Include IRSNA Report on Park Board of Commissioners meeting agenda for approval (report approved at the December 12, 2024 Park Board meeting)

The recommended next steps concerning indoor recreation space include:

  • Adoption of the IRSNA report
  • Implement recommendations for increased efficiencies at existing facilities
  • Further engage community cultural groups to gain insight into recreational needs and further diversification of program offerings
  • Evaluate potential changes to the ARRCC to increase utilization while managing logistical challenges (such as challenges with parking)
  • Engage community leaders and partners to review IRSNA conclusions and explore partnership opportunities to address community indoor recreation needs
  • Confirm options for the location of any future indoor recreation space and refine proposed amenities based on assessment results and additional community involvement
  • Prepare options for the development of additional indoor recreation space through potential partnerships and/or community support of a future bond referendum

 Updates on any major developments associated with future indoor recreation space will be provided as they become available.