Fort Hill Activity Center FAQ's

The facility is owned and operated by the Naperville Park District.

Similar to other Park District offerings, programs held at the Activity Center will be a mix of both free and fee based activities. Portions of the Activity Center, such as the fitness area, open gyms, childcare, indoor playground, and peak times for the walk/jog track require the purchase of a membership or payment of a daily use fee.  Non-peak walk/jog track times and various events held at the Activity Center are free to residents.

Program and user fees are required in order to support the ongoing operational costs associated with the facility.  

Yes, seniors age 60 years and older receive a discount on their membership and other Park District programs.  Discounts also are available for youth and active military memberships.

Residents may use the track for free during scheduled non-peak times. View the indoor track schedule

Yes, nonresidents may use the Fort Hill Activity Center.

Yes, the Naperville Park District's Fee Assistance Program provides financial assistance to resident families who are able to demonstrate need.  Learn more about our Fee Assistance Program and how to apply.

Yes, many group exercise classes are included with the membership. Non-members also can participate in group exercise classes by purchasing a daily or 5 class pass.

Yes, day passes are available for purchase at the main desk.

Yes, youth ages 12 to 14 may use the fitness area upon successful completion of the Teen Fitness University program.  Learn more about the Teen Fitness University.  Due to safety reasons, children ages 11 and under are not permitted in the fitness area.

Yes, childcare is available during designated times for up to two hours a day for children ages 3 months to 11 years old.  Parents must remain inside the Fort Hill Activity Center at all times while their child is enrolled in childcare.

We anticipate that our peak hours will be Monday-Friday, 5:15-8:00 am and 4:30-8:00 p.m.

Program and user fees are required in order to support the ongoing operational costs associated with the facility.  We offer competitive fitness membership rates and enrollment fees are charged to offset the cost of the initial set up, including ID card processing and staff costs associated with signing up members.

Memberships are available annually or as a payment plan option.  When you become a member of the fitness center you can cancel your membership at anytime with a 10-day written notice. If your membership lapses for more than 60 days you may be required to pay a new enrollment fee.

No, we do not price match.  Our fitness center offers competitive pricing and provides members with several benefits.

Fitness members may take a leave for a minimum of one month up to a maximum of four months. Medical leaves may be taken for a longer period but will require a written doctor's release upon returning. Members are allowed one leave of absence per 12 months. Please visit the Fort Hill main desk for more information and the leave of absence form.

No, non-usage is not a valid reason for a refund

The Fitness Center is staffed with Fitness Attendants who are available to answer questions.  On many pieces of resistance equipment, there is a QR code that will link to a video on proper usage. We also encourage members to purchase personal training in order to develop a personalized fitness program to see the best results.

Yes, all personal trainers are nationally certified.

We recommend you wear clean shoes in the facility. During inclement weather we ask you bring a change of shoes to workout in. This helps keep the facility clean and safe for you and the other guests.

Full-time students will be eligible to purchase a Summer Membership to use the fitness area during the summer months and over winter break.

No, the Fort Hill Activity Center does not include a pool; however the Park District does operate Centennial Beach, an outdoor aquatics facility during the summer.

No, we do not offer racquetball or tennis at Fort Hill, although you will find many outdoor tennis courts operated by the Naperville Park District throughout Naperville. Pickleball, a tennis-like sport, is available at the Fort Hill Activity Center during designated times.  

The basketball courts are available for drop-in play for fitness members if other programs or rentals are not scheduled at that particular time.  Scheduled open gyms are available for fitness and non-fitness members on a weekly basis as advertised in our open gym hours.

No, all lockers located in the locker rooms and corridors have digital keypad locks.  

No, lockers are available only on a first-come, first-served basis and all belongings must be removed before the facility closes each day. Items that remain at the close of business will be removed and placed in the lost and found.

If you use a towel during your workout or if you plan to shower at the Fort Hill Activity Center please bring a towel.  Anti-bacterial wipes will be provided in the fitness area to wipe down equipment after use.

Yes, the multipurpose rooms and gymnasiums may be rented for parties and events.  After-hours rentals of the Activity Center also are available.  For more information please inquire with a staff member at the Fort Hill Activity Center main desk.